Free Files Unzip 1.0
Free   9.3 MB

Free Files Unzip 1.0

Free Allows you to compress files into archives and decompress archives
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1.0 See all
Zenith Technology Limited
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 2 people
Free   9.3 MB

Free Files Unzip is a program that allows you to compress files into archives and decompress archives. You will be able to perform those processes using several compression formats, such as 7Z, ARC, BZip, GZip, PEA, QUAD/BALZ,TAR, ZIP and many others. You will not be able to compress using the RAR format, but you can extract RAR archives.

When compressing files, the program can produce archives split with a fixed size. You can password-protect them, as well as choose the compression method and algorithm. The program has a Windows Explorer-like interface that will ease the process of compressing/decompressing files. Most functions can be accessed by right-clicking on a file, and choosing the right command from the context menu. Through the "Test" button you can preview the contents of an archive before decompressing it.

You can specify a default password to encrypt all your files. Of course, you can change that password as many times as you want. The program includes twenty four localization files that you can use to run the program in your preferred language.

Senior editor
Daniel Ángel Romero
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • It can compress/decompress using the most popular formats, applying every needed parameter


  • It cannot compress files using the RAR format



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